How to make mac run faster again
How to make mac run faster again

how to make mac run faster again

Tweak Windows XP and tweak Windows 7 or Windows 10 settings using free programs.ġ6. Disable unnecessary non-Microsoft Windows services that slow down your computer.ġ5.

#How to make mac run faster again software#

Remove unwanted pre-installed software (aka junk software) from your new PC using PC Decrapifier.ġ4. If you have a deeper spyware infection like a rootkit that is very hard to remove, you might need to perform an offline virus scan.ġ3. Here is my list of the best anti-malware and anti-spyware programs out there.ġ2. One of the main reasons why PC’s are slow is because of spyware. Read about the one registry cleaner that I actually recommend.ġ1. Clean your registry by removing broken shortcuts, missing shared DLLs, invalid paths, invalid installer references and more. You can optimize the Windows boot time using a variety of techniques including updating your BIOS or disabling unnecessary hardware.ġ0.

how to make mac run faster again

If you don’t care about all the fancy visual effects in Windows, you can turn them off by going to Performance Options.ĩ. Turning off indexing is a simple way to increase performance.Ĩ. In Windows, by default, the Windows Search indexing service is turned on for all local hard drives.

how to make mac run faster again

Read here for the rules on best paging file performance.ħ. Also, the paging file should be on a different hard drive or partition than the boot partition. By default, the size of the paging file is controlled by Windows, which can cause fragmentation. Use the MSCONFIG utility to disable startup programs.Ħ. Speaking of startup programs, many of them are useless and can be turned off. Load up Windows faster by using Startup Delayer, a free program that will speed up the boot time of Windows by delaying the startup of programs.ĥ. You can also use a tool like TreeSize to determine what is taking up space on your hard drive.Ĥ. Clean up hard drive disk space being taken up by temporary files, the recycle bin, hibernation files and more. You should also defragment your Windows pagefile and registry if you’re running Windows XP still.ģ.

How to make mac run faster again